
We are one of the famous marriage decoration service in Trichy. We are popular  in wedding decoration in general and Indian wedding decoration is our forte. Our designers and wedding decorators decorate that delicious look  it  weddings, reception, flower arrangements, stage backdrops, gate decoration, car decoration, etc. We are decorate in kalyana panthal decoration, mandaba entrance and full decoration etc…



Stage Decoration

Sri Chendur Catering is one of the famous decoration in trichy. its a valuable element for every couple and their family. We are provide stage decoration for marriage function, birthday function and other events

Marriage Hall Decoration

We are provide the services on marriage hall decoration in mandapam or house.we decorate and change the hall as handsome atmosphere, and also provide latest design decoration. we are best decoration in trichy

Balloon Decoration

We are create Balloon decoration for marriage function and other events. the happiness is nothing but it is travel in our life endless.and also provide latest and low cost in provide the balloon decoration services

Car Decoration

Sri Chendur Catering provided the services of mappillai car decoration. We are decorate the car is needed for new wedding couple to appreciate their first ride. We will decorate ribbon decoration, rose decoration and etc... we are car decoration in trichy.

Flower Arrangemet

We will arrange the flowers for marriage function and other events. We are decorate the mandapam, house, car with Flower. you need flower we will arrange for you

Kalyana Panthal Decoration

Sri Chendur Catering is one of the best decoration service in trichy. and also we are decorate in kalyana panthal foe marraige and other events. decoration service in trichy

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